Me in a Nuthshell

Me: Martine Kveim

My favorites: My family, good friends, good films, good music, singing, snowboarding, sunshine, sand, sea, kitesurfing, the mountains, snow, travelling, adventuring and bumping into people and stories. I don’t plan too much, I don’t smoke or drink too much, but probably think too much. I don´t like: Fakes and lies… I like: Smiles and laughs (the best calorieburner of them all). I was until I left Norway a Viral Marketeeeer at DIST Creative, but decided I need a move-on also workwise. So what will happen next is unknown…

Background: I was born in California, but grew up in Oslove. I have studied finance and film at USF (University of San Francisco), University of Westminster London and University of Technology Sydney. I’m still enrolled at the Uni of life. Everyday, another lesson. I´ve worked several places around the world, but I´ve stayed the last 5 years in Norway.

My “religion”: I try to be the best I can be, to me, my peeps and the randoms I meet. My mum and my grandmother are the most inspiring women I know. And I hope I’ll be a bit like them when I grow up… I usually take active choices. I seldom take passiv choices, but wanna learn how to be more bored. I believe that the most important thing in life is to FEEL happy from inside out and I do believe that happiness is nowhere to be found, on no tropical island, except from within yourself.

One thought on “Me in a Nuthshell

  1. Hei, Martine

    Jeg så deg på Tv2 news (Nelson Mandela saken) og ble nysgjerrig – så googlet jeg navnet ditt og da poppet denne bloggen opp. Nå har jeg lest litt i den og ble veldig inspirert!
    Ville bare si det – alltid bra med litt tilbakemelding;)



    (Gikk på Ris med deg)

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